I’m sorry that he’s decided that “success” means talking like Mariotti, Page, Bayliss and Lupica.To me, that’s like watching Brett Myers beat up his wife and deciding that’s what a good marriage is all about.Anyway, I’ve long since gotten to the Replica Cartier Santos Mens Watch W20011C4 point that I have stopped caring about Roger’s yearly prima donna act.He wants to pitch Up There, have at it, dude.He wants to pitch here, fine we could use the face.But I don’t think it is reasonable to conclude that Roger is gonna pitch for the Yankees just because he watched Andy pitch, or because he chatted with Boss George.
I also liked the story about how Unca Drayton and some of his rich buddies stepped in the batters box to “face” Roger.Man, I woulda LUVED to see ol Rog make Drayton dive.One thing you can say about Boss George is he doesn’t ask Roger to toss Replica Cartier Santos Mens Watch W20060D6 him and his buds a few.And last, GM Tim Purpura has a weekly radio talk during the season.I stopped listening to him talk a long time ago, because he is HAPPY to answer questions.Oh yes, that’s right, happy, yes he surely is.
He didn't get hit hard, but gave up a single, walk, single, single, sac-fly and 3 runs.And he only got outs because Uribe and Rowand did him the replica Longines L2.684.4.16.0 watch favor of swinging at pitches out of the strike zone.I looked at Mama and she looked at me and I said well, there goes the ballgame.And she said get used to it there child, gonna be a LOT more of these this year.Yeah, I know.Wishing and hoping are fine, not reality.Anyway, Roy ended up walking 2, giving up 7 singles and striking out 3.